Publish your book in confidence with The Anointed Editorial

You have an important story. Only you can tell it.

Here’s the truth: You’ve carried unspoken words in your heart, ready to burst forth, and now you feel it’s time to share them with the world. You want to communicate the deep revelation and unique message God has given you to captivate minds, penetrate hearts, and convey deeper meaning while freeing others from their own limiting beliefs. 

You just need someone to walk with you on the journey to get your book in the hands of readers. Someone that believes in the beauty of your experience and wants to partner with you as you share your voice in only the way you can. Because only you can tell your story.

Hi, I’m Tacoi and I love transformative writing.

Writing saved my life. I found understanding written in books. Now I want to use my education and twenty-plus years’ writing experience to show Christian authors the treasure of their own words so they are assured of their ability to communicate with their ideal reader and make book sales.

The Anointed Editorial helps Christian authors:

Build their author brand with a professionally edited book

Recognize the impact their unique writing voice has to change lives

Use their books to enlarge their platform and influence

Whether your very first book, fiftieth, or somewhere in between, I am committed to providing quality service that leaves you worry-free on release day. Let’s connect to make sure your words never fall to the ground.

Praise for Tacoi

Jane Trapman, Founder & Community Manager | Born to Fly

“Tacoi helped me create a perfectly written Bible plan. She suggested great edits, not just grammatical, but also content-wise. I felt seen, valued, and taken seriously by the way Tacoi works. The one-on-one call after most of the work is done contributes to this. I would definitely work with Tacoi again for future projects.”

Reesi Wilson, Owner of Digital Product Creation & Marketing Agency | Letters by Reesi

“Tacoi is so talented. I reached out to her needing a range of content and she delivered perfectly. I highly recommend her writing and editing services to the best of them!”

The Anointed Editorial Writes

The Anointed Editorial is a proud member of the Editorial Freelancers Association.